Regensburger Verbundklassifikation

Zur Übersicht RVKO
UB Regensburg

     H Anglistik. Amerikanistik
         HG - HO Englische Literatur
             HL 19. Jahrhundert (1770/1800-1890/1900)
                 HL 1070 - HL 4990 Literaturgeschichte
                     HL 1600 - HL 4955 Einzelne Autoren
                         HL 1730 - HL 2265 Autoren B
                             HL 1730 - HL 1731 Bagehot, Walter
                             HL 1732 - HL 1733 Baillie, Joanna
Reg.: Baillie, Joanna
                             HL 1736 - HL 1737 Ballantyne, Robert Michael
Reg.: Ballantyne, Robert M.
                             HL 1738 - HL 1739 Barbauld, Anna Letitia
Bem.: Z:1743-1825; D:Brit. Schriftstellerin
Reg.: Barbauld, Anna Letitia
                             HL 1740 - HL 1745 Barham, Richard Harris
Reg.: Barham, Richard Harris
                             HL 1746 - HL 1747 Baring-Gould, Sabine
Reg.: Baring-Gould, Sabine
                             HL 1748 - HL 1749 Barlow, Jane
                             HL 1758 - HL 1759 Barnes, William
Reg.: Barnes, William R.
                             HL 1760 - HL 1765 Barrie, Sir James Matthew
                             HL 1770 - HL 1775 Barrow, Sir John
                             HL 1780 - HL 1785 Barton, Bernard
Reg.: Barton, Bernard
                             HL 1820 - HL 1825 Beardsley, Aubrey
Verw.:s.a. LI 14200
Reg.: Beardsley, Aubrey
                             HL 1840 - HL 1845 Beckford, William
Reg.: Beckford, William
                             HL 1880 - HL 1885 Beddoes, Thomas Lovell
Reg.: Beddoes, Thomas Lovell
                             HL 1890 - HL 1891 Besant, Walter
Reg.: Besant, Walter
                             HL 1898 - HL 1899 Black, William
Reg.: Suplee, Ethan
                             HL 1900 - HL 1905 Blackmore, Richard Doddridte
                             HL 1920 - HL 1926 Blake, William
Reg.: Blake, William J.
                             HL 1930 - HL 1935 Blanco White, Joseph
Reg.: Blanco White, José María
                             HL 1940 - HL 1945 Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen
Reg.: Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen
                             HL 1950 - HL 1955 Borrow, George
Reg.: Borrow, George
                             HL 1960 - HL 1965 Boucicault, Dion
Reg.: Boucicault, Dion
                             HL 1970 - HL 1975 Bowles, William Lisle
Reg.: Bowles, William Lisle
                             HL 1980 - HL 1981 Braddon, Mary Elizabeth
Reg.: Braddon, Mary Elizabeth
                             HL 1990 - HL 1995 Bridges, Robert
Reg.: Bridges, Robert
                             HL 2000 - HL 2085 The Brontës
Reg.: Brontë, Branwell||Brontë, Patrick
                             HL 2096 - HL 2097 Brougham, Henry
Reg.: Brougham and Vaux, Henry Brougham
                             HL 2100 - HL 2105 Broughton, Rhoda
Reg.: Broughton, Rhoda
                             HL 2110 - HL 2115 Brown, George Douglas (Douglas, George)
                             HL 2116 - HL 2119 Brown, Thomas Edward
Reg.: Brown, Thomas E.
                             HL 2120 - HL 2125 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Reg.: Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
                             HL 2140 - HL 2147 Browning, Robert
Reg.: Browning, Robert
                             HL 2148 - HL 2149 Brydges, Samuel Egerton
Reg.: Brydges, Samuel Egerton
                             HL 2150 - HL 2154 Buchanan, Robert
                             HL 2155 - HL 2159 Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton
Bem.: Z:1803-1873; D:Engl. Schriftsteller und Politiker
Reg.: Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton
                             HL 2170 - HL 2175 Burney, Fanny
Reg.: Burney, Fanny
                             HL 2180 - HL 2185 Burns, Robert
                             HL 2200 - HL 2205 Burton, Richard Francis
Reg.: Burton, Richard F.
                             HL 2220 - HL 2225 Butler, Samuel
Reg.: Butler, Samuel
                             HL 2260 - HL 2265 Byron, George Gordon, Lord

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